Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Coffee, tea, or God?

September 15, 2009
Do you prefer coffee, or are you strictly a tea drinker? Do you crave the early morning experience of that first sip of warm brew? Do you think about it, yearn for it, from the time the alarm breaks your peaceful morning musings, or the moment your tender tootsies hit the hard, cold reality of the floor? Do you sigh in utter contentment when the first sip courses across your tongue and down your throat? Do you hold the cup in your lap, allowing the warmth to renew your fingers, travel through your hands to your arms, and maybe warm your heart? Have you ever driven out of your way to pick up a cup of heavenly potion, and waited in line to receive the gift of a renewal, revitalization, and resurrection held in one tiny cup?
What if we had the same feelings about God that we have about our caffeine cravings? What if we experienced God each morning with a sense of pining and passion? What if our first thought in the morning was to find the message God had for us that day: maybe a passion hidden in the early morning dew or the breaking sun? What if we experienced utter contentment in a word written in scripture or a poem, or in music? What if we felt God moving through our fingers, along our arms, and into our hearts? Do we think we might stand in line and wait for the gift?
How do we experience God?

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